Here it can be 25 degrees and sunny – the high summer heat is on its way

Here it can be 25 degrees and sunny the

After a rainy, snowy, windy and cold April, the heat is now on its way.

Heat and sun on the way

Just in time for Valborg, the high summer heat arrives in several parts of the country and it looks like it will be sunny in several places.

– Tomorrow it will be up to 20 degrees in Skåne and West Sweden. In Svealand, the temperature can rise to around 18 degrees, says Lasse Rydqvist, meteorologist at Ready to The evening paper and continues:

– Even in the north it gets hot. There it can be between 10 and 15 degrees.

Photo: Henrik Holmberg / TTHhere it will be 25 degrees this week

On Wednesday, the real high summer heat will set in and it can be up to 25 degrees in places and the heat will last through the week, as it looks now.

It may even turn into meteorological summer in several places, but you won’t know that for sure until Friday.

– On Wednesday it could be 25 degrees in Western Sweden and it will continue to be spring warm in other parts of the country, says Lasse Rydqvist to The evening paper.

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