Here it all starts from March 18, 2022: Lionel wants to have Deva expelled (spoilers)

Here it all starts from March 18 2022 Lionel wants

HERE IT ALL STARTS. In episode 359 of Here it all starts this Friday, Deva has a chance to stay at the Institute, but Lionel does not hear it that way. Summary in advance and spoilers.

In Here it all begins on March 18, 2022, Souleymane’s state of health is worrying, to the point where Constance recommends forced hospitalization. The young man refuses, despite the pleas of his father and Deva. Antoine begs Julia to act with her hierarchy to cancel Deva’s expulsion. Eliott’s mother offers to contact the prefect to get the young woman a student visa. Teyssier is ready to go all out and invites him to the Double A. Deva will have to cook to convince him to allow him to stay at the Institute. Faced with this promise, Eliott and Souleymane agree to drink. The first also reconciles with his mother. The second takes care of himself and gets back on his feet: Souleymane is out of the woods. At the same time, Teyssier, Eliott and Greg come to assist Deva in preparing her menu for the prefect. When Lionel learns that Deva could not be expelled, and that Greg helps the young woman, he is ready to do anything to make her miss her meal and leave the country.

Also in episode 359 of Here it all begins on the tv program this Friday, Théo is still distracted by his relationship with Célia. He even forgets to order the deer for the dish of the day at Double A. Célia offers him to modify Chef Armand’s recipe, and receives praise from Chef Guinot. She therefore proposes the candidacy of the young woman to assist Theo in the preparation of the Easter menu. Teyssier opposes it, on the pretext that they are a couple and too distracted, while Charlène asked him for the job a few hours earlier. But at the insistence of Claire and Clotilde, he agrees to leave Théo and Célia in charge, without confessing the promise he made to his daughter.

Finally, in Here it all starts this Friday, March 18, Joachim and Clotilde plan to go on a romantic cruise on the Canal du Midi. But in the meantime, the craftsman receives a proposal for a construction site in Sicily. Clotilde is devastated by the news. Joachim asks her to come with him, but the Institute professor cannot give up her post. The couple is at an impasse.
