Here it all starts from June 15, 2022: fired students take revenge (Spoilers)

Here it all starts from June 15 2022 fired students

HERE EVERYTHING STARTS IN ADVANCE. In Here it all starts this Thursday, Amber does not react when her friends are fired from the institute. These take revenge. Summary in advance and spoilers.

In Here it all begins on June 16, 2022, Emmanuel Teyssier is not getting angry after some first years arrived late for their test yesterday. He simply decides to kick them out of school, a decision that doesn’t get the approval of his faculty colleagues but none of them want to talk to him about it yet. In fact, Tom and Deva cannot participate in the indoor event. They are all the more furious that Amber has not come to their defense, especially since she was not targeted by Emmanuel’s anger even though she was the one who organized the evening. Deva and Tom decide to set the record straight and pour wine on his shirt. Forced to change into Lionel’s shirt, Ambre gets a very good mark from Iniesta during her service but Emmanuel decides to halve it due to her non-respect of the uniform. She therefore obtains the score of 8/20, this qi greatly lowers her average. Tom announces to her that he is responsible for the wine stain on her shirt and explains to her that he would have liked Amber to support her friends rather than just thinking about her average.

Also in the next episode of Here it all begins broadcast this Thursday on TF1, Célia seems particularly marked by the departure of chef Cyrus with whom she felt much freer. She talks to Theo about her desire to stay at home rather than go to work at Double A. The young man decides to cheer her up by making her his second for the rest of the week, news that delights her. However, Charlène keeps an eye on the grain and decides to report the news to her father: Théo should rotate the post of second to the third years as a priority! Emmanuel Teyssier therefore goes to see his son and forces him to take Charlène as second from tomorrow. Enough to embarrass Theo.

Finally, in episode 423 of Here it all begins on Thursday June 16, Rose and Clotilde oppose the creation of a master’s degree within the Auguste Armand Institute. Clotilde does not see with a good eye the fact that Rose tries to appropriate the inheritance of her father while Rose, she is tired of crashing in front of Clotilde. However, Antoine’s companion does not lay down her arms: she wants to convince Clotilde to create this master’s degree and even to participate in it with her. In the end, Clotilde is convinced and agrees to create the master’s degree in co-management with Rose.
