Here it all starts from July 19, 2022: boat accident before the championship (spoilers)

Here it all starts from July 19 2022 boat accident

HERE EVERYTHING STARTS IN ADVANCE. In Here it all begins episode 446 on Tuesday, the boat driven by Greg and Marius before the championship hits something, a pool of blood emerges. Summary in advance and spoilers.

In Here it all begins on July 19, 2022, Elliot discovers that Greg lied to Marius about their sex life and resents his boyfriend. He ends up revealing the truth about Eliott’s asexuality to his childhood friend. Their complicity does not please Elliot at all, who does not fail to throw a fit of jealousy at her boyfriend. Greg suggests a boat trip. Anaïs discovers on this occasion that Salomé has a crush on Swan and that Eliott is suffering from the relationship between Greg and Marius. When leaving, Greg leaves the management of the boat to Noémie. However, the boat hits something, and a pool of blood coats the sea.

Also, in the next episode of ITC on the TV program on Tuesday, Kelly and Lionel offer their help to Medhi and Hortense for the preparation of the pop-up menus. Later, Louis makes fun of the pair at the head of the pop-up because of the lack of customers present. His presence disturbs Hortense and almost sets fire to the ephemeral restaurant. Later, Louis plans to take over the management of the pop-up with Charlène to boost their presence on social networks. Clotilde does not fail to reprimand Medhi and Hortense, and Charlène takes the opportunity to offer her help. Chef Armand accepts, believing that the pair in charge is not efficient enough.

Finally, Souleymane wants to get into permaculture in Here it all begins on Tuesday July 19, 2022. His goal: for the Institute’s vegetable garden to become the exclusive supplier of the Double A. But, to accommodate the master’s students, Rose offers the installation of containers. Clotilde and Guillaume want to install them on the plot of the vegetable garden. When Rose discovers Souleymane’s project, she does not dare to discuss the upcoming installation of containers on the ground.
