Here it all starts from February 11, 2022: a shock action at the Institute (spoilers)

Here it all starts from February 11 2022 a shock

HERE IT ALL STARTS. In episode 334 of Here it all begins this Friday, Anaïs, Jasmine and Lionel decide to continue their fight to get the Institute to change meat supplier and prepare a shock action. Summary in advance.

In Here everything begins on February 11, 2022, Joachim is convinced that Guillaume has tricked him into getting Clotilde to kick him out. She doesn’t want him to set foot in the Institute again. Martha decides to investigate on her side and questions Kelly about the assistant principal. The student then decides to search through Guillaume’s belongings with the help of Lionel to find his usb key. She then finds the proof that he tricked Joachim in order to make him break up with Clotilde. Guillaume finds himself obliged to confess the truth to Laetitia, who is furious. She suspects him of still having feelings for his ex-wife. The deputy headmaster then reveals the truth to Clotilde. The couple then decides to forgive each other respectively to turn the page definitively. However, Laetitia does not know if she will be able to trust him, and asks Guillaume for more time before they get back together. At the same time, Clotilde and Joachim officially start their relationship.

Also in episode 334 of ITC, broadcast this Friday on TF1, Anaïs is ready to take the risk of being fired for denouncing the slaughter of animals. Jasmine and Lionel are not ready to make the same sacrifice. But in class, Jasmine finds herself unable to work the meat knowing the slaughter conditions. She then asks for advice from Lionel and Anaïs, who decide to continue their fight against the supplier of the Institute. The trio meet at night at Double A for a shock operation…

Finally, Enzo is determined to help Mehdi for Valentine’s Day in Here it all starts this Friday, February 11. Hortense announces to him that they have an appointment with the person who will make them do the parachute jump to prepare. Mehdi is petrified at the idea of ​​what awaits them, while Hortense is very enthusiastic. Mehdi then confesses to the parachute jump instructor that he is dizzy and asks him to help him, without success. When he confesses his despair to Enzo, the latter encourages him to self-motivate and stop asking questions. This temporarily reassures Hortense’s boyfriend.
