Here is this week’s valley news | SVT News

• New ski facility can be built in Sälenfjällen

Political battle over the project • SVT’s reporter answers questions about the project

• Elin and Smokie in Vikarbyn miraculously unharmed after a dramatic horse ride

Centimeters from being hit by falling trees

• No license hunting for wolves in Dalarna this winter

President of the Hunters’ Association: “Completely to hell”

• Falu hospital receives more criticism from IVO

The problems of overcrowding and understaffing have become worse

• The explosion in Borlänge may be connected to the gang conflict

The police drop the investigation

• Manifestation for the folk high schools in Ludvika

“It means everything”

• Unique research outside Mora – will provide answers to how the forest can be managed sustainably

“Science is needed, so that it is not just opinion”

Follow the researcher to the forest in Effaråsen

• Region Dalarna votes no to compulsory notification

Narrow margin in the vote
