Here is the worst mosquito repellent according to the UFC What to choose (and it’s intended for children!)

Here is the worst mosquito repellent according to the UFC

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    The sunny days are coming and you already have to fight against certain mosquitoes, which are becoming more and more present. If you are thinking of buying repellent, here is the reference that you should avoid, especially for children, according to UFC – Que Choisir.

    Even if the weather isn’t always great, it’s officially summer. And very often, the season is accompanied by the arrival of mosquitoes, which take pleasure in devouring us for food. To fight against this scourge, it is likely that you have considered investing in a repellent. Here’s which one you should absolutely avoid, according to UFC-Que Choisir.

    A test carried out on more than thirty products

    The consumer association therefore looked into the various existing products to repel mosquitoes. She therefore brought together 37 different references to rate them and evaluate their effectiveness, but also their toxicity, according to a comparison. Result: one of the products was identified as being the worst of all. This repellent is a cream, it is the Defense+ Kids mosquito repellent cream, from the Autan brand, specially intended for children, therefore.

    A catastrophic score of 3.7/20!

    This mosquito repellent cream promises protection for four hours. In reality, Que Choisir tests show that it has an effect for only half an hour after application. It also contains ingredients potentially dangerous to health, even though it is intended for children. Therefore, avoid it, even if its low price, between 6 and 8 euros, may seem interesting.

    What are the most effective products?

    This ranking also made it possible to determine the best products. So sprays, aerosol bombs, bracelets or sticks: what products are recommended by the consumer association? In first position, we find the Insect Ecran spray, special for infested areas, with a score of 18.1/20. It promises optimal protection for eight hours, the test even showed that it lasted more than nine hours, without problem. Its composition is not too bad, even if repellents are always made up of more or less controversial products. And a little extra: it is a very affordable product, the price of which is between 5 and 7 euros.

    On the second step of the podium, we find the product Mousti KO, which promises protection for eight hours. It was rated 18/20 by the consumer association, and presents a composition. It is found in the same price range, between 7 and 9 euros per product.

    Discover the 10 natural anti-mosquito remedies

    Slide: Discover the 10 natural mosquito repellent remedies
