Here is the theme for this year’s Music Aid from Växjö

Musikhjälpen 2023 is broadcast from Stortorget in Växjö 11-17 December. It is now clear that “No one should die of hunger” is this year’s theme for the fundraiser.

– The world is hungrier than ever, in modern times. Hunger causes inhumane suffering and death, and the children are hit particularly hard, says Kristina Henschen, secretary general of Radiohjälpen, which distributes the money collected to Musikhjälpen.

Emergency interventions

Contributions to Musikhjälpen 2023 will go towards improving the living situation of people suffering from hunger. It is about urgent efforts to save lives such as food packages, nutritional treatments and clean water, but also long-term changes.

Broadcast every year before Christmas

Musikhjälpen is broadcast every year in December from a city in Sweden where money is collected on various themes. Three famous presenters are locked in a glass cage in a square and broadcast radio and television around the clock for 144 hours.

The program is a collaboration between Sweden’s radio P3, SVT and Radiohjälpen and has been broadcast since 2008. This year is the first time the program is broadcast from Växjö.
