Here is the successful model that will reduce homelessness in Luleå

The support from Bostad Först is based on the people themselves being involved in creating their goals and participating in possible treatment for addiction or mental illness.

– It is based on the fact that we at the social service collaborate with care and other important authorities to provide the right support, says Marie Öman, responsible for Housing first in Luleå.

Cheaper housing solution

Research shows that Bostad Först is a cheaper and more effective housing solution to combat homelessness, compared to acute and short-term housing solutions. The model originally comes from the USA and has been used successfully in Finland, where homelessness has decreased, among other things.

Must not be drug free

There are no demands from the business that the person must be alcohol-free in order to keep the rental contract. However, the requirements in the rental contract must be followed.

– We will also work with employment and loneliness issues, so that individuals do not end up sitting alone. Or fall back into old patterns so that the apartment becomes a haunt for drug addicts, for example.

In the video, you will hear about the support that people with addiction and mental illness can get to be able to keep their home.
