Here is the sick luxury life of Northvolt CEO Peter Carlsson

Here is the sick luxury life of Northvolt CEO Peter

Peter Carlsson51, grew up in Södertälje and Växjö and is educated at Luleå University of Technology and Stockholm School of Economics.

He was active in a number of companies before founding SGF Energy in 2015, including Tesla, where he worked for five years in the challenging position of logistics and purchasing manager.

SGF Energy changed its name to Northvolt in 2017. The company manufactures lithium-ion batteries in Västerås and Skellefteå, and the goal is to become the largest in Europe.

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Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TTPhoto: Magnus Lejhall/TTFour deaths at Northvolt in 2024

During 2024, a total of four people who worked at Northvolt’s battery factory have died. Three of them died inexplicably in their homes after working shifts at the factory in Skellefteå.

The last death is, according to Northvolt themselves, a drowning accident that occurred outside working hours.

The police have carried out investigations following the mysterious deaths, but all are classified as non-suspicious.

In an interview with SVT guarantees Peter Carlsson that Northvolt is a safe workplace:

– I feel that the security is very good.

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Peter Carlsson’s villa cost over 24 million. Photo: Google MapsPeter Carlsson lives in a luxury villa – worth nearly 25 million

The Northvolt CEO does not live adjacent to the controversial battery factory. In fact, he lives 77 miles away, in a villa in the Stockholm suburb of Mälarhöjden.

The villa is 147 square meters in size, with an additional area of ​​97 square meters. When he bought the home in May 2023, he had to shell out a staggering SEK 24,750,000, which News24 reported on previously.

READ MORE: Northvolt CEO Peter Carlsson buys the property for 24.8 million

The sick salary of the Northvolt CEO – that’s how much Peter Carlsson earns

With a home of that caliber, it may not come as a surprise that Peter Carlsson has a juicy income.

Data from Tax Agency which Nyheter24 has taken notice of, claims that the Northvolt CEO, in 2023, had a fixed earned income of SEK 3,438,300.

Divided equally over twelve months, it gives him a monthly salary of just over SEK 286,000. In the same year, he had a surplus of capital of SEK 2,562,217.

Not bad!

Photo: Magnus Hjalmarson Neideman/SvD/TTPeter Carlsson’s family – does he have a wife and children?

Peter Carlsson is listed at the address in Stockholm with a woman named Anna.

In an interview with Dagens Nyheter, Carlsson has confirmed that he has three children: Amanda, Victor and Christian – but that he is divorced from their mother and has a new relationship. Whether it is with Anna or someone else remains unsaid.

The children’s mother Angela he met during his student years in Luleå. But not at school, but at his side job:

– We met at Systembolaget in Luleå, where I worked extra, he says the newspaper.

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Photo: Erland Segerstedt/TTPeter Carlsson’s unknown illness

Peter Carlsson rarely talks about what made him jump off the Tesla train in 2015. He had a coveted role in a thriving company, with one of the world’s top names in the world of electrification – Elon Musk – as a manager. Why stop?

To DN he says that an illness was the basis for the decision:

– I got a stress-related rheumatic disease. It was a big reason why I quit, he says and continues:

– It was also that illness that made Elon understand. He was very fair to me about this.

He does not say which disease it is, but says himself that he can keep it in check with the help of a balanced diet, exercise and sleep.

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