Here is the most beautiful first name in the world according to a scientific study

Here is the most beautiful first name in the world

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    Marie Lanen

    Head of parenting section (baby, pregnancy, family)


    This first name, in addition to being voted the most melodious in the world, is also the most popular across the globe. In France, it is the 65th most given first name. Find out.

    The first name charts interest many parents and future parents. So, linguist Dr Bodo Winterde and researchers from the University of Birmingham sought to find out what was the most beautiful girl’s name in the world. Discover their conclusion.

    The most melodious female name in the world

    To find out which name is the most “pretty” in the world, the linguist and his team studied people’s reactions when they heard the 100 most popular female names spoken aloud. They also took into account the melody of the first name, its meaning and its associations; essential criteria for parents. Result ? The female first name Sofia wins all the votes. Indeed, its melody sounds equally good in Slavic, Romance or Germanic languages. In addition, it evokes positive emotions in many people.

    Sofia, a resoundingly successful first name

    According to the Official First Names edition 2023 (First Editions), the first name Sofia comes from Greek. It means “wisdom”. The first appearances of this first name date back to the first centuries AD in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire. It is becoming more and more common in countries with Greek, then Slavic, culture. It was in the 16th century that the first name Sofia appeared in Europe. Today, this first name is listed in more than 20 languages ​​and shines in all countries. In the eastern regions, Sofia is also a star. It is also popular in Muslim countries where it is used as a variant of the first name Safiya. Sofia is the 65th most given female first name in France since the year 2000. This first name is given to almost one in 270 girls. We wish the Sofia a “happy birthday” on May 25.

    Top first names 2024: what are the trends among future parents?

    Slide: Top first names 2024: what are the trends among future parents?
