Remember this date: a rare and fascinating astronomical phenomenon will be observable in the Heaven of France, provided you respect the security measures.
The sky is in excitement this month of March. After the lunar eclipse, a fascinating astronomical phenomenon is preparing in the sky, promising an unforgettable spectacle not to be missed under any pretext. It is a celestial meeting sometimes feared, sometimes venerated according to civilizations, which will occur in our sky.
This rare and fascinating astronomical show will occur on Saturday March 29. The sun will disappear behind the moon and so the sky will darken in broad daylight. We can believe ourselves in the adventure of Tintin of the “Temple of the Sun”, when our hero finds himself tied up at a post by Incas and that he makes them believe that he has the power to command the sun. In many ancient cultures in fact, a solar eclipse was considered an omen of bad omen, symbolic of the anger of the gods.
The phenomenon will cross France, of course, but will not reach its entirety. But we are not going to complain about attending the 17ᵉ partial eclipse of the 21st century! Note that depending on the region where you are located, the show won’t be the same: Brest in Brittany will be the luckiest city: thanks to its location in the northwest of the country, Its inhabitants will be able to observe the moon obscure the sun at 32.5 %. Parisians will not be so badly lotis, with a sun hidden at 23.5 %. The more you go to the east and worse will be the show. Marseille will not see the sun hide by the moon only 11.7 % and for Nice it will only be a sun nibbled by the moon at 9.9 %.

If the astronomical phenomenon is observable by all, unlike the lunar eclipse, it is not observable directly to the naked eye, at the risk of burning the retina with consequences can range from a temporary vague vision to permanent blindness. It will therefore be essential for you to wear special glasses (ISO 12312-2 standard), which you can get in pharmacies, with opticians or online on approved sites. Another solution, for connoisseurs, is to observe the solar eclipse by projection through a shorthand.
Prepare your special glasses, book your afternoon of March 29, and let yourself be carried away by the magic of this celestial event where the moon partially mask the solar disk. And if you miss the event, know that the next meeting will not take place before August 12, 2026, with the observation of an almost total eclipse from France!