Researchers developed a lithium-ion battery in the form of an ultra-long fiber that could be woven into fabrics. It could also serve as a structural battery for vehicles.
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[EN VIDÉO] From Volta to graphene: the evolution of batteries The most common type of battery is the lithium-ion battery. Several technologies are in line to replace it.
With its 140 meters in length, it is undoubtedly the drums the longest in the world. Developed by scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), this lithium-ion battery looks like a long electric wire sheathed in rubber noir. This concept is intended to show that it is possible to create flexible batteries that can be used to replace batteries. fibers of a garment, for example. With such a precedent, this coil of wire could be used to design a wide variety of portable electronic devices with any shape. It could even be used as structural battery, which would be ideal for a aircraft or an electric vehicle for example.
This is not the first time, however, that attempts have been made to manufacture batteries of this style. However, in terms of its design, this prototype goes much further. It is the first time that this “thread” can be really exploitable for applications practical due to its stability and sealing. It can even continue to feed energy a LED, for example, after a partial rupture. It means there is no loss electrolyte nor of short circuit in the event of a cut. It is also a new gel which performs the function of electrolyte. And it is thanks to this design that it is not flammable.
A structural battery
The cable measures 140 meters but according to its designers, there is no limit. They could very well make a drums of 1 km. This wire has a capacity of 123 mAh. A low capacity which does not allow it to supply much. But it must be said that the battery is only a few hundred thick microns. This actually makes it the thinnest battery of all concepts in the form of wire.
Due to the small dimensions of this wire, the researchers have shown that it is also possible to insert other battery-powered technologies into the wire. This is particularly the case of a communication system by optical fiber which could allow data to be sent from one strand to another. With this process, they even imagine the creation of a real fabric laptop. In addition to this fiber which can be woven, the material can also be used in 3D printing systems. To demonstrate this capability, the hull of a mini submarine was designed from this fiber. It supplies its small electric motor with energy.
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