Here is the keyword secret to find luxury pieces at low prices on vinted

Here is the keyword secret to find luxury pieces at

A single little word that will also allow you to be one of the first buyers on the case.

Vinted has become one of the first reflexes of fashion enthusiasts who wish to dress at a lower cost. The platform, which today claims more than 80 million users worldwide, works on a simple principle: allow everyone to resell clothes they no longer wear and buy others at reduced prices. If the promise is enticing, finding real luxury pieces can however be complicated in the middle of these thousands of announcements. But that was before you are revealed the method that promises to access the best deals before everyone else.

Vinter’s research algorithm is mainly based on the relevance of keywords and filters used by buyers. If you just type “Chanel” or “Gucci” in the search bar, you will often come across items that are already clearly visible and often sold at the market price of the second hand. But using a more strategic research, it is possible to get around this difficulty and get hold of treasures that are still unnoticed by the majority of buyers. Indeed, some sellers, anxious to empty their wardrobe quickly, sell several articles in a single announcement in the form of lots. Less visible than unit publications, these announcements generally go under the Radar of buyers and remain available longer.

The key to accessing these offers is to add a specific word to your search: “lot”. By typing “Lot Chanel”, “Lot Dior” or “Lot Balenciaga”, you will access attractive group sales. For what ? Because sellers seek above all to get rid of their clothes quickly and sometimes agree to give up several parts for a global price much lower than the individual value of the items. Another advantage: negotiation is often simpler on these announcements.

If you spot a lot that you like, but you are only interested in one or two rooms, it is quite possible to contact the seller to offer him a separate purchase. Many users readily agree to split their lot, as long as they sell quickly.
