Here is the foolproof technique to get your child to tidy their room (without complaining)

Here is the foolproof technique to get your child to

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    Are you tired of your child never tidying their room? Good news for parents, a therapist shares on Instagram her simple and effective method to finally make your children’s room tidy. To test today!

    Reason for arguments, getting your child to clean his room is far from simple. It often happens that he does not take action. This is why therapist Emmanuelle Juillard shared a video on Instagram in which she explains her revolutionary tip so that your child (or teenager) finally puts it away! We share his famous technique with you!

    The IKEA bag technique for your child to tidy up their room

    To force your child to clean his room, the therapist explains that we can use the “IKEA bag technique”. This method consists of warning the child that anything that is not put away in their room before the evening will be put in a large bag and confiscated for a week. To avoid this punishment and risk saying goodbye to his favorite toys, all he has to do is put everything back in order quickly!

    Therapist Emmanuelle Juillard declares “have tried everything”, before implementing this technique. In her video entitled “The IKEA bag technique”, she gives some details:

    1. First of all, make sure your child is old enough to clean their room on their own.
    2. Then, do not be too demanding by carrying out this method every day but rather on a regular basis (once a week or every two weeks to start).
    3. Explain to your child why you are implementing this technique, this will give an educational aspect to your request. For example, tell him that the mess is preventing him from vacuuming properly. Don’t hesitate to have him test it so he realizes that it’s not practical!
    4. Don’t leave room for negotiation. If your child does not meet the requirements, he will have to bear his punishment.

    A technique to consume without moderation

    What to do if your child still doesn’t tidy up? The therapist has a solution: we start again. A week later, when the punishment is over, empty the bag of confiscated toys in his room and set the same rule as last week.

    Your child has the whole day again to clean his room…and this time, he knows the punishment and knows that he has to take you seriously.

    The expert specifies: “we take everything we value that is not put away and too bad for what I pick up”. This could include his chargers, the books he is reading, or even textbooks or lessons for school that he needs. The therapist concludes: “he will just have to make do with his friends, because he must understand that it is unacceptable that his room is in this state”.

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