Here is the detail that reveals the fake clip that is spreading from the Eurovision semi-final in Malmö

Large demonstrations against Israel’s participation in the Eurovision song contest have filled central Malmö and the area around Malmö Arena on Thursday.

On the whole, the police describe the evening as calm.

SVT verifies

  • Propaganda video allegedly shows Ukrainian soldiers burning Trump effigy

  • The Ukrainian elite force was given time off – then the Russians broke through

  • A person has been arrested on suspicion of a serious crime against the Knife Act. In addition, nine people were taken into custody for disturbing the public order.

    In social media, lots of pictures and videos from the demonstrations have been spread, from both pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel sides.

    In one clip, large numbers of protesters are seen attacking cars, the clip has been viewed over a hundred thousand times, and is being shared with captions claiming it shows Palestinian violence.

    It is correct that the clip is from Malmö, and shows anti-Israel riots. But, it’s from 2009, and has nothing to do with Eurovision.

    See the clip in the video above, and SVT’s review of the detail that points to it being old.
