Here is Sweden’s ugliest bald hygge – Sunne municipality: “Feels a little embarrassing”

A perhaps not so flattering competition is now settled. It is the environmental movement Greenpeace that invited the public to send in photos of the clear-cutting. Out of 80 nominees, five made it to the finals. The winning entry was submitted by Daniela Roth.

– I had just taken a picture of the sign at the clearing when I found out about this competition. And I thought it would fit in, says Daniela Roth, who lives nearby and is often out with her dog in the forest.

Motivation of the jury: The tragicomic nature of no longer being able to enjoy nature and “explore the environment” makes this clearing an obvious finalist.

Old signs remain

At the clearing, there are several signs left that invite you to enjoy the forest and reflect on your own life. Instead of mighty trees and soft moss, the visitor is greeted by a clean-shaven area with a few tree stumps here and there.

But how come the signs are still there?

– It is a bit of the irony of fate that the sign with the text that you should enjoy the forest remains. We should have taken it down before felling, because now it is no longer scenic on the site, says Anders Olsson, development manager at Sunne municipality.

– This is a feel-good trail and many people certainly don’t feel very good about seeing this particular place, so it’s a bit embarrassing, he continues.

Kalhygget in Värmland received 27% of the votes, in second place we find one in Västerbotten and third place goes to Gävleborg.

Watch the video from Sweden’s ugliest bald hygge above.
