Here is Sweden’s first nude camping: “Sounds nice”

Here is Swedens first nude camping Sounds nice

In several places around Sweden, there are designated places for naked bathing, so-called nudist bathing places. So being naked in nature is not something that is completely unfamiliar to the Swedish people.

But a place where you can spend the night naked in nature has not existed – until now. This summer opens Sweden’s first nude camping located on tourist-dense Öland, writes The barometer.

Naked camping, also called naturism camping, gets its own area at Wikegård’s campsite. There is access to a private bathing area where you can bathe naked, but if the guests want to go to the service house, their clothes must be on. The area will be separated from the rest of the campsite with a hedge.

– Then you can walk straight down to the water, completely unashamed, says the campsite’s owner to the Barometern.

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“So amazingly good!”

The campsite presented the news on its Facebook page and it quickly sparked reactions. Among the comments on the post, it can be seen that many are positive about the new area. Here are some comments:

“Sounds nice”

“So amazingly good!”

“That sounds wonderful”

“Go for it”


The owner is also positive about the response.

– The vast majority have only been positive. Some have even booked already. But of course it provokes some, it always is. I see this as a human right. The freedom of the body. I see no strangeness at all in that, he tells the Barometern.

Photo: Screenshot/Facebook/Wikegårds

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Will attract foreign tourists: “Not as decorated”

Many of the campsite’s visitors do not come from Sweden and the owner believes that this target group will be attracted to the nude area.

– Here we address a completely different target group than other campsites. We don’t have many families with children, and the ones we have come largely from the south, outside of Sweden. And they are more used to this. Not as ornate as we Swedes are, he says.


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