The pharmacist’s remuneration varies depending on the sector in which he exercises and the missions carried out.
France has around 75,000 pharmacists, including a majority of women (70%), “Logically linked to the greater presence of women among pharmacy students” Explain theNational Order of Pharmacists. To become a pharmacist, it takes 6 to 9 years of university study after the baccalaureate, according to the chosen branch (pharmacin (75%)). At the end of his studies, the pharmacist is about 25 years old. His salary will depend on the salary grid to which he is attached.
The hospital pharmacist depends on the hospital salary grid which is the public. “The beginner salary of the hospital pharmacist is around 4,500 euros gross per month. This salary is justified by the fact that the professional passes the national competition of hospital practitioner, which represents 4 years of higher education more“Explain to us Elise Palfray, pharmacist and member of the Enterprise Office committee. After 10 years, it can earn around 5600 euros gross per month. “Hospital pharmacists have a lot of responsibilities, including student training, purchase of drugs, tariff negotiations in relation to the needs of the establishment, etc. They also have a team under their responsibility, such as logisticians or preparers. And they are much less numerous than pharmacists” argues our interlocutor.
The industrial pharmacist is considered to be a “drug engineer”; Its evolution can be important. It can work in the quality, production, marketing or legal service service. “The median salary of a beginner pharmacist in the industry is 3,600 euros gross. After 5 years of experience, he will earn nearly 4,600 euros gross per month.” The pharmacists are the most numerous. “They are remunerated according to a salary grid negotiated during collective agreements with the social partnersexplains Elise Palfray. Remuneration increases each year compared to the cost of living and compared to the minimum hiring coefficient. “ The salary of the beginner pharmacist can vary depending on the department of the place of exercise and the obtaining of his thesis “In general, he earned between 44,000 and 47,000 € gross per year at the start of his career, ie around 3,800 euros gross per month. After 3 years, it increases by 3 %, 6 years, by 6 %, 9 years, 9 %. “ After 9 years, a pharmacist can earn nearly 4,000 euros gross per month.
The salary can evolve when the pharmacist gains skills. Supporting a holder, the management of schedules, management missions, additional responsibilities, team supervision, night or weekend guards … His missions are not limited to reading the prescription and the delivery of drugs. The pharmacist is led to detect drug interactions, guarantee patient observance, vaccinate, detect, rent and install medical equipment at home …
Thanks to Elise Palfray, pharmacist and president of the Officine company committee.