Here is Carla Bruni’s beauty secret to staying young. And it’s not partying everyday

Here is Carla Brunis beauty secret to staying young And

Her youth secret, her vision of beauty, her sports routine… Carla Bruni opens up in an interview where she reveals what she does to stay beautiful and young. Confidences.

Carla Bruni gave an interview for the magazine SHEreleased on November 17, in which she talks about the secrets behind her natural beauty, between rigor and boredom.

Beauty beyond appearances for Carla Bruni

At the age of 54, Carla Bruni has managed to retain her beauty, proving that she has lost none of her years as a successful model. If some stars bet on the plastic surgery To preserve their youth, the former First Lady of France reveals that, for her, beauty is above all a state of mind. “I don’t feel like it was my beauty that did the whole thing. My modjo is elsewhere! It’s all about keeping a bit of yourself. Keeping the flame, which is completely fact different from appearance”said Nicolas Sarkory’s wife. However, Guilia’s mother is aware of the inevitable aging. “But the passing of time is a desolation“, underlined the Italian star.

Sport to stay young

In this interview, Carla Bruni also revealed her beauty secret to staying young at 54: an irreproachable lifestyle that she sometimes has trouble accepting. I do two hours of sport a day. I impose on myself a lifestyle that bothers me enormously. That’s the only thing I regret.” she confessed. Besides, this very healthy lifestyle catches up with her when it comes to partying. “But suddenly, I’m sober. I consume very little alcohol, otherwise I I can drink like an Irish sailor! No limit! If the question of health did not arise, I would not live in this crazy sobriety”, said the singer who, seeing her pretty photos on Instagram, has adopted a very effective beauty routine to maintain her beauty and her dream body.
