Here is a simple technique for cleaning your power strips and objects yellowed by wear

Here is a simple technique for cleaning your power strips

A power strip can last a very long time, but also get dirty over the years. We’ll explain the little trick to cleaning them in just a few seconds.

Do you have a power strip at home that seems to have had a good life? You are surely not alone. These objects can last a very long time and it is not uncommon to inherit old, still functional power strips from parents or grandparents. The only thing is: a power strip, no matter how functional, can quickly deteriorate visually. It is not uncommon for such objects to turn yellow. The fault is white plastic or PVC, which has difficulty remaining bright over the years.

If you have white plastic items that are now completely yellowed from wear and tear, don’t panic. This process is completely reversible in most cases and there is a simple technique to regain the color of your power strip or any other similar equipment.


To do this, you will only need two elements: water (this can be tap water) and white vinegar which you can easily find commercially in bottles or cans. White vinegar has the advantage of being very useful for many small cleanings, so you won’t be disappointed if you end up with a little more than you expected.

Simply prepare a mixture of water and white vinegar in a bowl that you have cleaned beforehand. Then use a simple sponge that you will bathe in the solution and rub your power strip on all the parts that have yellowed over time. The result should be almost immediate and your power strip should regain its former whiteness! Obviously make sure that your power strip is not connected to any power source or other outlet likely to supply it with electricity.

Once your power strip is cleaned, it’s time to dry it. We strongly advise against using a hair dryer for this. Instead, let your power strip rest in a dry place, and if possible, slightly exposed to the sun (unless you are exposed to extreme heat that could damage the device). Your power strip will eventually be completely dry after a few hours.

Please note that this technique can also work with other elements. It is also possible to mix water with baking soda and scrub your yellowed power strip. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used if you soak your item in a basin and let it sit in the sun for several hours.
