Here, Ilse finally gets tickets to Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift will play in Sweden on three occasions in May next year. But getting hold of tickets is not an easy story – when they were released, 95,000 queued to buy, according to Expressen.

– It’s a bit stressful, but in a way it’s also a bit nice that you have to make such a big effort, says Ilse Ahlström, who when TV4 Nyheterna meets her is in queue 26,000.

Music artist and superstar Taylor Swift is referred to by her fans as “the music industry”.

– So that she is everything, explains Ilse Ahlström.

That may explain why the demand for tickets to her concerts is so high – it was quite a procedure to get hold of them.

First, you would register on the ticket supplier’s website, and then receive a confirmation email – if you were selected as one of those who would get the chance to buy tickets.

“Now it’s finished! Now we have tickets”

Those not selected ended up on a waiting list.

– It’s kind of nice that you have to make such a big effort, because I think then only those who are real fans will make these efforts.

But how did it go for Ilse – did she get any tickets?

The answer is: Yes, in the end.

– Now it’s finished! Now we have tickets, she exclaims happily.
