“Here I draw a line”

Here I draw a line

Updated 08.59 | Published 08.52




full screen Jimmie Åkesson. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

Ebba Busch and Jimmie Åkesson have bumped into each other after Åkesson accused KD top Alice Teodorescu Måwe of being a “self-righteous finn citizen”.

Ebba Busch now writes on platform X that the limit has been reached.

– You can’t go on like this – here I draw a line.

It was on Friday last week that Jimmie Åkesson went on the attack on platform X.

The SD leader reacted to a DN interview with KD’s top name in the EU parliamentary elections, Alice Teodorescu Måwewhere the Christian Democrat points to SD’s Nazi and racist roots.

– It is extremely serious, says Alice Teodorescu Måwe in the interview.

Alice Teodorescu Måwe also questions why Jimmie Åkesson, Björn Söder, Richard Jomshof and Mattias Karlsson joined the party, which was then considered far-right.


full screenAlice Teodorescu Måwe and Ebba Busch. Photo: Lotte Fernvall


The interview irritated Jimmie Åkesson so much that he spoke out at X.

– I have always had such a hard time with these self-righteous Finns, wrote Åkesson on Friday.

– Those who, in all their nobility, express a bit of realism, but at the same time are either too nice or too anxious to move outside the framework determined by the left-liberal establishment, he continued to conclude by calling the actions of the bourgeoisie “pitiful”.

“They have the background they have. Get over it now”

Yesterday the answer came from Ebba Busch.

– Alice is brave, values-oriented with high integrity. She is a reminder that if the bourgeoisie had done its thing 15 years ago and pursued a migration policy rooted in reality, a party like SD with Nazi roots into the 90s would never have entered the Riksdag, writes Busch on platform X.

– They have the background they have. Get over it now. We have obviously been able to do that, continues Ebba Busch.

Draw a line

The KD leader further writes that she has had to receive strong criticism because she opened the door for cooperation with the SD during the last mandate period.

She also believes that the limit has now been drawn for what KD can tolerate from SD in the form of criticism.

– That Jimmie Åkesson passive aggressively and with a microscopic fig leaf, indirectly calls Alice TM (Teodorescu Måwe ed. note) a “self-righteous bourgeois” who “isn’t prepared to do the grunt work” when she had to endure death threats to pave the way for SD able to sit like the elite at the negotiating table at Tidö castle… No, it’s not okay, writes Ebba Busch and continues:

– You can’t go on like this – here I draw a line.
