Here, high school students practice – in the face of crises and war: “Instructive”

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With a world that is characterized by war and severe weather changes, crisis preparedness in Sweden needs to be improved. On Friday, a course started at a high school in Umeå where the learning is about meeting young people in a young person’s way.

The training, which is also an interactive exhibition, will be set up in all counties and is a form of exercise where high school students are faced with different scenarios – from weather disasters with power outages and lack of supplies to the threat of war and all that that entails.

– It is innovative and instructive, above all with the situation in Ukraine, says high school student Klara Lindqvist.

Everything to increase awareness of what a crisis situation means.

Over five million kroner has been invested in the project, which, among other things, the Swedish Agency for Community Safety and Preparedness (MSB) participates in, and they strongly believe in the concept.

– It is very important to reach out to young people with questions about preparedness for crises and war, and what you can do yourself, says risk and crisis communicator Christina Andersson.

See the entire feature from Umeå in the player above.
