The classic Masters golf competition in the USA had to be canceled yesterday. The reason was that three gigantic trees came crashing down on the audience. – I stood up and screamed, says Megan Hill to local media. First the audience was hit by a rain of cones – then the loud cracking was heard as the pines gave way. The television cameras captured the dramatic sequence of events as the audience was forced to flee for their lives. – Cones first hit us in the back, then we turned around and saw the trees fall. They smashed like 10 chairs, says Deshey Thomas to local media. “We had an angel watch” In the videos from the incident, it looks like people were left lying on the ground after the trees fell. But according to the organizer behind the Masters, everyone present should be able to be evacuated without injury. Deshey Thomas is said to have managed to warn others in the audience so that people had time to run away. – Fortunately, we managed to get everyone out of there. We had guardian angels, he says.
Here chaos erupts – in the middle of the golf competition