Here are three positive global trends

Here are three positive global trends

Joakim Hugert Lundberg/TT

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full screen Much in the world is moving in the right direction, says Ola Rosling, CEO of the Gapminder foundation. Here children in Pakistan receive polio vaccine. The picture is from October. Photo: KM Chaudary/AP/TT

Much of the global development is going in the right direction, warns Ola Rosling. Here he lists three of the most important recent successes.

1. Falling infant mortality and rising average life expectancy

– I myself have been in emergency departments and intensive care with my children. More parents leave with living children today. That’s the only thing that really counts, says Ola Rosling.

– There is basically no cause of death that increases globally in proportion. Therefore, the average life expectancy increases.


2. Increased climate awareness

– The climate crisis is one of the biggest and worst threats we have ever experienced. The bright side is that approximately 80-90 percent of people in high-income countries are aware that it poses a risk. We don’t need to pay the climate deniers any attention anymore. We can focus on the solutions and people respect that this is a problem that we have to solve.


3. Reduced poverty

– World poverty has decreased from approximately 70-80 percent 200 years ago to 9 percent today. The extreme poverty that means you have no water, no food, no schooling for the children, no vaccinations, no health care, babies born on a mud floor, covers only 9 percent of humanity. It has never been lower. It is an absolutely incredible improvement.

– It used to be the normal way of life. Half the children died and at least once a month you lacked food. It was 80 percent of humanity that had that. Now it is 9 percent. Why shouldn’t they be able to get out of poverty, when 91 percent have managed to get out? It is completely incomprehensible to me how you can believe that it is not possible.
