Here are the routes you should choose during the New Year’s weekend

Snowfall, changing surfaces and falling temperatures.
It is the dangers that await out on the roads.
– This sleet is more slippery than you think, says Bengt Olsson, press manager at the Swedish Transport Administration.

It’s the middle days and many are now going home after the Christmas celebrations in different parts of the country. There are also many people who will get into the car for various types of New Year’s celebrations.

But the weather can make a real difference, and SMHI warns, among other things, of icy conditions in New Year’s traffic.

Warns of slippage and sleet

Bengt Olsson, press manager at the Swedish Transport Administration, says that we have a snow and rainy weather that is sweeping across Sweden and that it will affect the slippage and visibility on the roads.

– It will be a bit blurry when it snows, but above all there will be changing surfaces under the car tires. So it can be quite slippery here and there. This sleet is more slippery than you think. Then I’m afraid that the temperature will drop during the afternoon, he says in Nyhetsmorgon.

The paths to choose

But which paths should be chosen then?

According to Bengt Olsson, the answer is the big roads. He mentions the E45, E22, E4 and National Highway 26 as good roads to take. He also urges all drivers to choose the meeting-free roads as far as possible.

– If you don’t know who they are, go to and look for them and who suits you as a driver, he says.
