Here are the participants in the Stars at the Castle 2024-2025

Today, the filming of “The stars at the castle” starts. Now SVT presents who we will get to follow in the coming season. Five new famous faces occupy the castle, and just like last year they are joined by star chef Frida Ronge.

We last saw the Hollywood wife Maria Montazami in “Sweden’s master chef VIP”, where she landed in fourth place. Now that she leaves the master chef’s kitchen, she instead becomes one of the stars of the castle.

– It is a great honor to be part of the Stars at the Castle. Mom is so proud! She has told me to tell my whole story and that she supports me, says Maria Montazami in a press release.

Tareq Taylor back on the show

At the castle, Maria Montazami is joined by WC 94 hero Tomas Brolin, comedian and actress Christine Meltzer, star chef Tareq Taylor and guitar legend Janne Schaffer. Tareq Taylor has participated in the program before, but then he assumed the same role that Frida Ronge does now.

– It feels both full of honor and a little strange to be included as one of the stars this year. I have such great memories from my years as a chef on the show. I always thought the best thing about being behind the scenes was that I got to listen to all the conversations in an earpiece. But this year I get to sit at the table for real, says Tareq Taylor.

The nineteenth season of Stjärnorna paslotlett will be broadcast during the winter of 2024/2025.
