Here are the mistakes you should NOT make

Here are the mistakes you should NOT make

It was about five years ago that Martin Svennberg51, became interested in home preparation and now runs the platform “Vardagsprepping” and the podcast of the same name.

And in recent years, Svennberg, who on a daily basis works in the IT industry, has seen how the public wants to learn more about prepping.

– With every new crisis, we see an enormous interest and need for information. During the pandemic, in connection with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and now most recently with the commander-in-chief’s statement, we saw a huge interest, he says to News24 and continues:

– There are those who then look up information, become interested and continue to get involved. But we also see the tendency for it to become a peak, where interest disappears as quickly as it is aroused.

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Mistakes when preparing

Over the years, Martin Svennberg has been able to identify some common mistakes that ordinary people tend to make when the spirit falls and the lifting equipment needs to be upgraded.

– The biggest mistake is probably to start buying gadgets. So, you download a checklist, for example MSB’s “If the crisis or the war comes” and buy stuff home and think: “so, now I’m prepared, how nice. Now I don’t have to do anything else”. Then it turns out that you bought unnecessary stuff that you already have.

Instead, Svennberg urges people to stop and make a plan. But even here you should be clear about what you are getting ready for.

– Another common mistake is to look at very large social crises, such as terrorist attacks, wars or the like. And it can happen, but the more often the less personal crises happen, for example losing your job. How to prepare for it? It is also a form of preparedness.

Then it may instead be about having a financial buffer available.

Read more articles about home preparedness here:

Danes worst at preparing: “Not worried”

Explosive sales at prepping companies

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