Here are the criteria revealing a strong personality, according to this psychologist

Here are the criteria revealing a strong personality according to

In the collective imagination, having a strong personality means that you don’t give up. But not only !

In our society, the term “strong personality” is often used to refer to people who know how to assert themselves and make their point of view heard. It can also be used to describe a difficult temperament : “He is stubborn“, “She is not not easy to live with“, “We can’t say anything to her without her getting angry”… Conversely, it is not uncommon to hear that a person “lacks personality” because they are shy, that they does not dare express her needs and that she lacks self-confidence. Pascal Anger, psychologist in Paris, reveals to us the criteria that characterize a strong personality.

Strong personalities have a great capacity to assert themselves

It’s a fact, people with strong personalities do not hesitate to express their feelings loud and clear. needs and opinions. They say what they think and mean what they say. “They often assert themselves brutal way in difficult situations, but they also know take their responsibilities. We can say that they are real locomotives and leaders who manage to rally others to their cause.” specifies Pascal Anger.

They are indifferent to “what will people say”

Many people do not dare to act fear of the gaze of others and the famous “what will we say?”. Strong personalities don’t have not afraid of being looked atobserved, judged, to appear “too this” or “too that”. “Even if they adopt behavior that may seem disturbing to others, they do not feel any feeling of embarrassment or shame. Quite simply because they have enough confidence in themselves and in their feelings not to suffer from this. what others may think” develops the psychologist.

They have a clear vision of their objectives

Strong personalities know what they want. They have a very clear vision of the goals they want to achieve and are not afraid to take the plunge. With a strong personality, no time to procrastinate, It’s necessary that it moves and quick !

They move forward

Strong personalities are not the type to feel sorry for themselves. The past is in the past, they focus on the future. “In case of failure, they will face the situation without complaint and reborn from their ashes quickly. Rather than dwelling on the negative, they turn their failures into opportunitiesinforms our expert.

They don’t let themselves be influenced

Another major characteristic of strong personalities is that they are not easily influenced by others. They like discuss and seek to convince while still having a great listening skills and empathy. So, did you recognize yourself in this portrait?

Thanks to Pascal Anger, psychologist in Paris
