Here are the biggest dangers of Christmas for children – unexpected food can be fatal

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Stressed parents, mischievous siblings, guests and loads of things to fix. Christmas peace rarely appears on baptism day in families with small children.

News24 lists the biggest Christmas dangers for children – and what to do if something happens.

Prinskorv Sausage comes in second place when it comes to which food is the most dangerous in the world. The sausage is easy to put in the throat and then becomes like a plug in the throat. For small children, it is best to divide the prince sausage lengthwise into four parts, because even sausage pennies easily get stuck in the throat.

Green and close, but not quite sure. There are several dangers that lurk with a fir tree. The fact that it can topple over is probably what most people think about, so you have to be on your guard there.

The second is the Christmas tree balls, which turn into sharp shards when dragged down the hill.

Poisonous flowers

Eating amaryllis, begonia, poinsettia, azalea and hyacinth is not poisonous, but can cause burning and irritation in the mouth.

However, the berries from the mistletoe are, and can cause stomach upset. Call the Poison Information Center if the child has eaten five or more berries.


Ingesting too much saffron is not good. Eating half a packet (0.25 grams) or more straight out of the package can cause stomach upset. Call the Poisons Information Center if this is the case.


Eating more than 4 centimeters of sparklers is harmful, as it contains barium salts. Contact the Poisons Information Center if this happens.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil in large quantities is dangerous. Go to the hospital if the child takes a sip or more, or has breathing problems.

Bitter almond

Eating a few almonds can cause stomach upset and nausea. It can also cause palpitations. Call the Poisons Information Center if the child has eaten more than a couple of almonds.

Live candles

Children and candles can easily go wrong on an unsupervised occasion. Make sure to always turn off the lights if you are not in the room.

This is where you turn if you are worried or something happens:

If it is urgent, call 112.

The poison information center is open 24 hours a day and can be reached on 010-456 67 00, alternatively go to

Call 1177 for less urgent matters.

Sources:, Svenska Dagbladet.
