Here are the behaviors that should definitely not be tolerated in a relationship, according to a couples therapist

Here are the behaviors that should definitely not be tolerated

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    What’s more pleasant than being in a relationship… unless your partner adopts certain unacceptable behaviors. How to identify a toxic relationship? What behaviors should not be tolerated? Answers from our experts.

    In a relationship, we must not allow certain behaviors to take hold, even out of love. Getting out of a toxic relationship can be difficult. What are unacceptable behaviors when you are in a relationship? Here are five, reported by Myriam Bidaud, couples therapist interviewed by the site Psychologies.

    All forms of violence

    This seems obvious but it must be remembered: violence has no place within the couple. We spontaneously think of physical violence, but there are others, such as psychological or verbal violence, for example.

    For the expert, “Violence is something that should never enter into the relationship. If there is violence within the relationship, you should not hesitate to talk about it and seek support to be able to put an end to it. Both that there is violence, there is not enough security for the relationship to develop”

    Blackmail or threats

    To try to control or intimidate their partner, some people do not hesitate to resort to blackmail or threats. It is also a form of violence, which does not bode well for the couple and their relationship.

    Excessive jealousy

    Having a jealous partner can also have negative consequences on the couple. When excessive, jealousy is actually a reflection of insecurity. “It’s a two-person game, but it’s also the responsibility of the person who is excessively jealous and who will have to work on this point.” specifies Myriam Bidaud.

    Voluntary separation from your loved ones

    Generally speaking, if you have a partner who knowingly or unknowingly distances you from your loved ones, there may be problems ahead.”. If you notice that, for false pretenses, your spouse is distancing you from your friends or family: distrust. This may be a sign that he is a narcissistic pervert, who seeks to control you.

    Lack of honesty

    Finally, the therapist recommends, to start a healthy relationship, to be honest. “Both partners must be sincere and authentic to each other in order to thrive within themselves and within the relationship.” concludes the therapist.

    10 signs that your relationship is balanced

    Slide: 10 signs that your relationship is balanced
