Here are the 4 attitudes that make you charismatic

Here are the 4 attitudes that make you charismatic

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    Do you dream of being that person who seduces and influences everyone in an almost natural way? Psychologist Johanna Rozenblum gives you some advice to increase your charisma and your power of seduction.

    When we talk about a charismatic person, we are referring to someone who has natural authority and influence, usually making everyone agree. It is also a very sought-after quality because it gives the impression that everything succeeds to the person who possesses it, that it can seduce anyone, and naturally make them shine whatever the environment. However, if some people seem to be naturally endowed with it, it is a quality that needs to be worked on! Here are some tips from psychology doctor Johanna Rozenblum to increase your charisma.

    Work on your self-confidence

    The first advice from the psychologist to increase your charisma is “to develop self-confidence and confidence”. For this, it is necessary to “develop your knowledge, master it, in order to know what you are talking about and therefore be more confident” she adds. “Once you are confident in your abilities and values, defend them with conviction.”

    For example, in the event of a disagreement, don’t be afraid to contradict the person in front of you firmly. However, a charismatic person will always do so tactfully, remaining open and caring.

    Develop your ability to express yourself orally

    Another important point for developing your charisma is learning to express yourself correctly orally. “Master your speech and work on your ability to verbalize things” explains Dr. Johanna Rozenblum. For that, “always prioritize the clarity of your information”. Indeed, “the simpler information is said, the more easily people will listen to you” she adds. Furthermore, by expressing things in a simple way, you will appear more confident..

    Obviously, this ability to express oneself easily in public does not come overnight, “you have to train yourself every day, forcing yourself to speak” specifies the psychologist. “For example, if you have time, consider preparing your arguments or speeches in advance, imagining the context you will be in.”

    Furthermore, when you practice speaking, it is equally important to work on the intonation of your voice: “It must be frank, carried far and your speech rate must remain at the right pace!” advises the psychologist.

    Adopt a confident posture

    More than half of your communication is based on your facial expressions and body language. “If you want to be perceived as someone charismatic, you will have to work on your behavioral posture as well as your body language” says doctor Johanna Rozenblum.

    “For example, always hold your head and shoulders straight and open your arms slightly when you speak. Speaking with your hands can also help you appear more confident,” she specifies. Regarding facial expressions, “it is always nicer to have a jovial face and a sincere smile”. Indeed, these expressions immediately give you a reassuring and friendly side, and will allow you to convey messages more easily to your interlocutors!

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    Be kind and attentive to others

    A charismatic person is not only confident and comfortable speaking, they are also caring towards others and devoid of arrogance. According to psychologist Johanna Rozenblum, this means in particular that she “do not try to create any form of domination between her and others”. On the contrary, she will be deeply interested in them, “asking them questions, looking them in the eye, and showing deep empathy”.

    The little bonus for being appreciated by those around you and particularly charismatic: “Remember the little details we talked to you about. This reveals your interest in a person and therefore increases your sympathy capital!” confides the psychologist. Enough to be naturally appreciated by the majority of those around you!

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