Here are five foods not to eat after treating a cavity

Here are five foods not to eat after treating a

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    To treat a cavity, dentists perform a dental filling to repair the cavity and treat the tooth. Once these treatments have been taken, there are certain foods that are best avoided. Here are the ones.

    Adults – like children – can develop one or more cavities due to poor or insufficient brushing. Once you have been in the dentist’s chair for treatment, did you know that there are certain foods that it is best to avoid consuming in the days that follow? Here are the ones.

    Hard foods

    Biting into a piece of bread right after being treated for a cavity is not recommended. Indeed, biting into a hard food risks putting unnecessary pressure on your teeth. In addition to the pain caused, this can damage the filling that the dentist has just made. To avoid having to sit in your chair again, avoid chips, popcorn or even granola for a few days.


    In the same vein, nuts are also not recommended after treating a cavity. Even though they are recommended for health, nuts are quite hard. This can cause you pain in the days following your dental filling. So avoid them, just like almonds, pistachios, cashews….


    Eating a sweet food like chocolate after treating a cavity is not the idea of ​​the century, you will agree! Not all sugary products are good for our health on the one hand. But on the other hand, chocolate, due to the sugar it contains, can delay the healing process by increasing the risk of infection. This also applies to candies, caramels and small sweet cookies.

    All very hot or very cold foods

    Do you like to drink your tea piping hot or your glass of iced water? Be careful, because after treating a cavity, you will need to pay attention to the temperature of the food consumed. Indeed, all very hot or very cold foods can cause sensitivity and consequently discomfort. So choose foods at room temperature.


    Finally, apples are also not recommended, after going through the “dentist” box. Indeed, most are crunchy and their hard texture can cause pressure on your teeth, especially if you bite into them directly. Here again, this can subsequently cause a feeling of discomfort, or even pain. Instead, eat other softer fruits, like bananas or if you want to, eat apples, but in compote!

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