Here Are 8 Common Sunscreen Mistakes, According to a Skin Cancer Expert Dermatologist

Here Are 8 Common Sunscreen Mistakes According to a Skin

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    Summer rhymes with sun and protection! In this summer period, Doctor Anthony Rossi reveals the mistakes to avoid when faced with the sun’s rays. We share his advice with you!

    Although it is expected all year round for its pleasant rays, the sun is no less dangerous. Before taking a nap in the sun, it is better to learn how to properly protect yourself from UV rays. Dr. Anthony Rossi, dermatologist and surgeon at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, detailed his recommendations in Buzzfeed magazine.

    Believing that the SPF index indicates how long you can stay in the sun

    “SPF” Or “sun protection factor” is an index that reveals the level of protection a product gives compared to no use. This factor therefore has nothing to do with the number of minutes you can spend in the sun with sunscreen. “From an SPF 30, we consider that sun protection is sufficient because it is at this stage of the SPF curve that the level of protection stabilizes”explains Dr. Rossi. This also means that an SPF 50 does not offer much more protection than an SPF 30.

    Choosing a sunscreen that doesn’t have “broad spectrum” protection

    Choosing broad-spectrum sun protection fights against two types of ultraviolet rays: UVA and UVB. According to Dr. Rossi, “UVB causes burns and UVA contributes to aging.” They are both dangerous for the skin, which is why you should opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen.

    Use makeup with SPF to protect yourself

    More and more makeup products contain SPF. However, this protection is far from sufficient, simply because it is not the primary function of makeup. According to Dr. Rossi, the SPF in makeup should just be considered a bonus. The right thing to do? Apply sunscreen, let it dry and then apply makeup!

    Not using sunscreen sprays correctly

    To be properly protected, you need to apply a layer of sunscreen to all skin surfaces. Despite their practical side at the beach, sprays are not necessarily a good idea for obtaining uniform protection. Generally, it is creams, lotions or emulsions that make this task easier. The right move? When using a spray, you must be careful to spray it directly onto the skin for optimal protection, and especially to spread the cream correctly.

    Not applying enough cream

    It is very common not to apply enough sunscreen. Thus, doctor Rossi advises to protect the body to apply the equivalent of a glass of liqueur in terms of quantity. For the face and neck, it will correspond rather to that of two fingers of sunscreen or even three depending on the size of your face!

    Wear sunscreen only when the weather is nice

    Dr. Rossi advises to be careful with the sun all year round. A good habit to get into is to apply sunscreen daily to the areas of your body that are exposed to the sun every day (especially your face). In addition, UVA rays pass through clouds, so you are exposed to these rays even when the weather is not nice. The right thing to do? Apply sunscreen even on gray days and in winter!

    Only wear sunscreen outdoors

    If you think that sunscreen is only useful when you spend a day outdoors, think again! You should also apply it at the office, especially if you work near a window! The reason? “Simply because UVA rays also penetrate windows” says Dr. Rossi.

    Thinking that once you’re tanned you’re safe

    Contrary to popular belief, a base tan and UV resistance do not go hand in hand! In fact, melanin does not protect you from UVB rays. It is therefore entirely possible for your skin to burn, even with a nice base tan! The right thing to do? Apply sunscreen all summer long, even when you have already achieved a nice tan. In addition to having less risk of damaging your skin, your tan will certainly last longer!

    Sunscreen 2024: focus on sticks, a practical and fun format!

    Slideshow: Sunscreen 2024: focus on sticks, a practical and fun format!
