Here are 5 signs that your skin is aging well

Here are 5 signs that your skin is aging well

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    Like all other organs of the body, our skin ages. And the difference is that it shows. So what are the signs that your skin is aging well? Here are five, according to an American dermatologist.

    The physical signs of poorly aging skin are well known. But what about skin that ages well, on the contrary? Here are five signs showing that your skin is little affected by the passage of time, according to Dr. Hadley King, dermatologist in New York.

    Your skin heals quickly from injuries

    Wound healing is the process of repairing the skin. And the speed at which this physiological process takes place can provide information on the aging of the organ. According to the American dermatologist, if your skin heals from an open wound within a week, it shows that it is healthy and contains enough protein to help with healing.

    A diet richer in protein is therefore interesting, particularly as we age, to boost skin repair because healing will naturally slow down over time.

    Its texture is smooth

    Do you have smooth skin most of the time? This is a pretty good sign, it assumes that your skin is aging well. This is probably due to good protection of your skin from the sun and excellent hydration, says the expert.

    Indeed, it is essential to moisturize your skin well after washing your face or body. Well hydrated skin will look plumper, it will not be dry or itchy.

    You still have chubby cheeks

    Round cheeks give a childish appearance and people who have them can sometimes be self-conscious. However, maintaining good cheeks, even as time passes, illustrates the good quality of your skin. “Sun exposure and other extrinsic aging factors can accelerate the loss of healthy elastin fibers in our skin and decrease its elasticity. states Dr. King, and “THE collagen present in our skin gives it its structure”. So if you have plump cheeks, it’s a sign that your skin is in good shape.

    Your complexion is uniform, without brown spots

    If you have only a few brown spots on the skin of your face, it is because you have had little exposure to the sun throughout your life. This is essential to protect your skin from aging. Indeed, the sun is not the skin’s best friend for humans. “SBehaving wisely when facing the sun is one of the most important things we can do for the healthy aging of our skin” further specifies Dr. King.

    So if you don’t use sunscreen outdoors, you’re more likely to eventually have dark spots and uneven skin tone. And contrary to what one might think, all exposures are dangerous. “Much of the sun damage that accumulates on our skin is the result of low daily sun exposure.” warns the specialist.

    Also pay attention to blue light from screens, the harmful effect of which on the skin is little known. “We spend a lot of time on our screens and we’ve learned that blue light can not only affect our sleep and harm our eyes, but can also cause our skin to discolor and age.” warns the expert again.

    You have never smoked

    If you have abstained from smoking throughout your life, you have given your skin the opportunity to age properly and healthily. Smoking increases fine lines and wrinkles and leads to drier skin and many other complications deeper than the skin, according to the dermatologist.

    It can also lead to uneven skin pigmentation, loss of elasticity, and deep wrinkles on the face. Not smoking therefore allows you to maintain healthy skin for longer.

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