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When a relationship no longer works, it is not uncommon to consciously or unconsciously adopt certain behaviors. What are these attitudes that women have when their relationship no longer fulfills them? Here are ten of them.
It’s difficult not to change your attitude towards your partner when the relationship between you no longer satisfies you. Different behaviors then set in and it is good to notice them, in order to understand that something is wrong. Here are ten typical attitudes of a woman who is no longer satisfied with her relationship.
Changes in communication
Communication is essential in a relationship. It allows partners to exchange but also to improve their physical proximity and to dispel misunderstandings. A woman satisfied with her relationship communicates openly, frequently and without taboo. On the contrary, if a woman becomes less talkative, less inclined to discuss deep subjects, this can be a first sign of dissatisfaction.
Less interest in shared activities
In the same vein, a woman who is no longer satisfied in her relationship will no longer like to share certain activities with her partner. For example, going to a restaurant with your friends will be a real pleasure, but a chore with your partner.
Less display of affection
Like communication, signs of affection are also the cement of the couple. A tender caress, affectionate smile or sweet words are the lot of loving and fulfilled couples. But this condition can gradually disappear, in a woman who no longer shows interest in the relationship. This can be a subtle sign, but one that is worth noting.
More time spent alone
Taking a few minutes for yourself during the day is recommended. But if you spend long hours isolated, away from your partner, it may show that you are looking for fulfillment elsewhere than in your own relationship.
Less enthusiasm for future projects
Just as with exchanges, a woman who feels less invested in her relationship will have difficulty planning for future projects. Whether it’s buying a house or simply planning a vacation, nothing delights him. This sign shows the uncertainty that hovers around the relationship.
An “emotional withdrawal”
A woman who is fulfilled in her relationship does not fear being emotionally fragile, especially in front of her partner, in whom she trusts. On the contrary, when a woman is no longer invested in her relationship, she no longer feels understood or loved by the other. She will therefore tend to become more reserved, less fulfilled: she operates what we can call “emotional withdrawal”.
More frequent arguments
A tense climate in a couple inevitably leads to more arguments. This is particularly true when the woman can no longer stand her relationship. Small, innocuous events can then lead to major arguments. If this is happening to you, it may be a symptom of a larger crisis in reality, with the disagreements simply reflecting the frustration you feel.
Compensatory behavior
Sometimes when a woman no longer thrives in a relationship, she will question herself and try to rekindle the flame. If you feel like you’re doing too much, ask yourself: isn’t this a sign of deep dissatisfaction in your relationship?
Fewer moments of intimacy
If you feel less invested in your relationship, this will inevitably have an impact on the couple’s intimacy. Like signs of affection, reunions in bed will no longer be there.
A search for validation elsewhere
Women like to be complimented and valued. When a couple relationship works, the woman feels “validated” by her partner. On the contrary, if she disinvests in the relationship, she may seek this feeling elsewhere. This can happen through other people and go as far as flirting, without necessarily wanting to be unfaithful, but to fill what she doesn’t find in her own relationship.
In short, if you notice one or more of these signs in yourself or your partner, this indicates that you need to take the time to talk about your relationship to improve things and, if necessary, to contact a professional. of the couple.