Here Anette meets her local politicians: Want a dog farm

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Start the clip to see when Anette and the dog Elsa meet the politicians to argue for a dog farm.

Behind the local grocery store in the central town of Nossebro in Essunga municipality, Anette Nilsson wants to see in the future that her basset Elsa can run free. The dream is to get a so-called combined rest yard where both dogs and people can meet and socialize.

– It would have meant a lot to very many, I think, says Anette who is one of the initiators of getting a dog farm.

No new issue for politicians

The question has been on the table of municipal politicians before, but then the answer was no – unless a non-profit association gets involved and takes care of the maintenance of the picnic area.

– We would like to see that there is an association behind it, our experience is that if there are enthusiasts behind a meeting place like this, it will usually be better, says Thomas Johansson (C), chairman of the municipal council.

Opposition: “We must get along”

On Saturdays, Anette goes for walks with other dog-interested people and therefore she thinks that a picnic area with some benches and tables would be perfect for them.

But the proposed location, the field behind the grocery store, is the center of another large meeting place in Essunga, namely Nossebro market.

– Precisely in this case, there are more people who want to use the surface and that makes sense. Then we need to make a plan for how everyone can get along, says Peter Andreasson (S) Opposition Council.

In the clip below, local politicians reason about how best to talk to citizens in the municipality.
