Hera obtains certification for gender equality

Hera obtains certification for gender equality

(Finance) – The Group Hera has obtained certification for gender equality for its 11 major companies: further confirmation of the results achieved in this area, the result of the commitment made to creating an inclusive corporate culture that pays attention to people.

Since its origins, the Group has in fact promoted initiatives aimed at gender equality: in the fields of selection and hiring, career management, salary developments, welfare and conciliation policies, awareness and communication projects to promote an inclusive corporate culture and free from stereotypes and prejudices.
This is – explains a note – an important recognition for the multi-utility, in which the female presence stands at 28% and there is a constant growth in the presence of women in roles of responsibility consistent with the gender distribution: in 2022 the incidence of female staff among managers and executives is approximately one third. These are significant figures for a utility, since the workforce in companies operating in this sector is traditionally male.

The introduction of the management system for gender equality, according to the reference practice UNI/PdR 125:2022, involves the measurement, reporting and evaluation of a set of indicators distributed across six areas – culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company, remuneration equity by gender, protection of parenthood and work/life balance -, with the aim of filling any existing gaps and producing sustainable and lasting change over time, thanks to a dedicated strategic plan. In addition to the definition of the actions established within the UNI/PdR 125:2022 management process, the Hera Group Board of Directors approved the “Gender Equality Policy” which defines the company’s commitment to gender equality gender, to guarantee equal opportunities in the workplace, and has appointed a Steering Committee that ensures its effective adoption.
