Hera, Fabbri: significant growth both in market and market activities

Hera Fabbri significant growth both in market and market activities

(Finance) – “The results obtained confirm the Hera group’s ability to continue in their own path of creation of environmental value sustainable. The increase of the main economic -financial indicators and the continuous improvement of the efficiency on the invested capital, with a ROI that rises to 10.4% and a performance for shareholders (TSR) that exceeds 35%, are clear signs of the solidity of our industrial model“. He said it Cristian Fabbri, executive president group Heracommenting on the results 2024.

“We recorded one significant growth both in market activities in the regulated oneswith a Mol who in 2024 came to touch 1.6 billion euros, while the gross operational investments reached 860.3 million euros, 35% higher than the average of the previous five -year period, and for 76% they were aimed at pursuing decarbonisation, resilience and circular economy – he added – also the growth of the Mol with shared value, in absolute value and percentage, testifies to our value. constant attention to the creation of value not only economic, but also environmental and social. The economic value distributed on the territories in which we operate, which in 2024 reached 2.1 billion euros “is evident.

In infrastructure growth we also joined the commercial one on all market business And, in particular, in the energy supplies where we reached 4.6 million customers, holding a 20% increase – Fabbri underlined – thanks to this further development, more than 13% of the Italian population receives at least one service from the Hera group. In light of the results achieved and of the financial solidity of the group, we will propose to the shareholders’ meeting the distribution of a dividend equal 15 cents of euros per share, growing by 7.1% compared to the last dividend paid. An increase of which all the entire dividend policy of the following years will benefit. The results of 2024 therefore reconfirm the validity of the strategic vision of our group and constitute the first piece of our industrial plan “.
