Hera, BoD deems the current number of directors adequate

Stellantis Andrea Agnelli leaves the board after the meeting

(Finance) – The board of directors Of Heramultiservice listed on Euronext Milan, considers the current number of 15 directors to be “adequate overall”.taking into account the size and complexity of the company’s organizational structure, also to allow for an adequate composition of the internal board committees in which a decisive role is entrusted to non-executive and independent directors.

This can be read in a note from the Bologna multi-utility which gives an account of the orientation of the Board of Directors for the renewal of the boardscheduled for next April’s meeting.

In the composition of the board – adds the Board – there should also be “achieved a appropriate gender and age diversityin order to create a set of different and complementary skills and experiences”.

(Photo: Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash)
