Her strawberry find went viral

It was last Friday that Mikaela Svahn Forsén made the unusual find. – I was out with my daughter and had a little look at the strawberry land. Then I found that little old man. It was a bit snobbish, you could say. The snob with two “p” then, maybe? – Yes, exactly, she laughs. Has received 3,000 likes Mikaela Svahn Forsén took a picture and posted it on Facebook. – It was a little cute. I put it in the Garden Friends group. It was very popular, so there were over 2,000 likes. Now it is up to 3,000 in total on two pages, she tells Nyhetsmorgon. She gave the small strawberry to her colleague – who ate it. – I thought that Åsa would have some fun. But she didn’t know it was a celebrity that she had eaten, says Mikaela Svahn Forsén. “Pi(c) edge in taste” So how did the little old man taste then? – It was very pi(c) edge in taste, you could say, says Åsa Engström in Nyhetsmorgon. What does it mean? – Yes, that doesn’t mean the taste as such, she jokes. Without the experience more, right? – Yes, she laughs. The taste was not that sweet. Otherwise, Mikaela Svahn Forsén believes that this year’s strawberries are sweet and good and that you as a grower should give them a lot of nutrition and love, so things like this can happen sometimes.
