Her phone stolen, this mom begs for her daughter’s last moments to be returned

Her phone stolen this mom begs for her daughters last

At the bedside of her daughter hospitalized for a neuroblastoma, a mother had her phone stolen near the coffee machine in the pediatric emergency room. The little one did not survive, and the mother launched an appeal on social networks to recover her phone, where the photos and last moments of her child are saved.

Like a bottle in the sea, Stéphanie Ezziani launches a desperate appeal on social networks to recover her mobile phone. It is not so much the object in itself that matters to him, but above all what it contains: her granddaughter’s last momentspart of the suites of a neuroblastomaone of the most common forms of childhood cancer.

A gray Xiaomi Mi 10T stolen from the entrance to the Emergency Department of Reims hospital

On August 4, little Marwa, 4, had a scan at the American Hospital in Reims. During the time of the examination, his mother went to have a coffee at the entrance of the pediatric emergencies. Going up to the bedside of her daughter, who was also to receive a probe, the mother realized, about twenty minutes later, that she had forgotten her phone. Back down immediately, no trace of the device on the bench where she was sitting. Neither the staff nor the visitors present noticed him, leaving the mother only the option of calling her line to find him: she is sent directly to the answering machine and the location function is deactivated. The phone is stolen, along with all the valuable information it contains. The same day, she launched an appeal on the Facebook network, fervently asking for the return of her phone, while explaining the importance of her request. Her daughter “has terminal cancer”.

Anonymous return of phone to hospital counter

After two years of fighting the disease, the girl died a few days later after the phone was stolen. A double loss for the mother, who loses the precious moments spent with her with her baby. All to their grief and without any procedural will, the parents only want to find the phone. They thus leave the possibility to those who hold it to return anonymously to the Reims hospital reception counter in an envelope entitled “Super Marwa Hop”. An incentive also launched on social networks, the day after the disappearance of the little one.

Marwa’s life in the phone

It’s not just Marwa’s last moments that are stored in the phone. There are also photos of her last past enjoying life to the fullest, when she was already doomed by cancer. Fully aware of the fatal outcome, Stephanie and Mahmoud, her dad, have worked over the past year to give her the best possible life. “We wanted to give him a dream life.” they said, having taken care to immortalize each of these precious moments. Memories they hope to see again soon.
