Her hair is falling out, making it hard to focus! Not counting the damage…

Her hair is falling out making it hard to focus

Stress not only reduces the quality of life of the individual, but also brings with it physiological problems, as well as the spiritual problems it causes. Stress, which causes serious wear and tear over the years, lowers libido and forces focus. Here are the harms of stress…


It has been determined by scientists that stress, which often leads to illness, reveals the problem of hair loss. If your hair is falling out and the vitamins aren’t working, it may be because of stress.


Headache, which may be due to more than one reason such as osteochondrosis, low or high blood pressure, sinusitis, wrong position during sleep, pregnancy, can also occur with stress. In this case, you should seek help from a specialist.

It lowers the libido, makes it difficult to focus!  Not counting the damage...


Research has found that stress can lead to acne, psoriasis and other skin diseases.

It lowers the libido, makes it difficult to focus!  Not counting the damage...


The libido of the person who is exposed to stress is quite low. Experts say that if you have not had sex with your partner for a long time and this is due to stress, the situation will worsen. The solution to this may be to stay away from stress, take a vacation, be busy.

It lowers the libido, makes it difficult to focus!  Not counting the damage...


People who experience stress have difficulty concentrating. If you think that you are not as good at focusing, you can try to take a break, rest, do yoga or sports and reduce your stress.

It lowers the libido, makes it difficult to focus!  Not counting the damage...


Stress, which harms the individual both psychologically and physically, brings with it sleep problems. If you have been stressed for a long time, you may have insomnia problems. In this case, it is helpful to consult a doctor.

It lowers the libido, makes it difficult to focus!  Not counting the damage...
