her farewell letter was written by her best friend

her farewell letter was written by her best friend

The investigation into Lindsay’s suicide revealed that her farewell letter was written by her best friend three months before she committed suicide. She explains that she wrote it to alert the academy.

The suicide of thirteen-year-old Lindsay on May 12 is a reminder of the scourge of school bullying. The teenager had left behind a farewell letter, in which she explained her action: “Dear parents, if you are reading this letter, it is because I have probably left. I am sorry for having done that, but I could no longer stand the insults morning and evening, the mockery, the threats.” But the investigation revealed that these words were not written by Lindsay. According to a graphologist commissioned by the investigating judge, it was the teenager’s best friend who wrote it three months before her suicide.

Lindsay’s best friend, whose identity is not known, explained to our colleagues at BFMTV : “I made her promise me never to do anything stupid. Something she did, she promised me.” The young teenager assures that Lindsay told her she wanted to send this letter to the Lille academic inspectorate to alert her to the situation of school harassment she was experiencing. “She’s my best friend, it was complicated to write that, I had difficulty. But I said to myself ‘if it’s to send her to the academy and make things happen afterwards’, he I have to do it. If it can help us, help her, I have to do it,” explains the young teenager.

His family forced to move

The young girl’s mother also confided in our colleagues and expressed her fear regarding these revelations. She is afraid that this will create a climate of suspicion around her daughter, who is also a victim of harassment: “The problem is not the letter. It was written in February, Lindsay killed herself in May because it didn’t move, it didn’t do anything.” It must be said that the harassment never stopped for his daughter and her family, who had to leave Pas-de-Calais to settle in the south of France.

If for the mother of the best friend, this does not change anything about the facts of harassment and inaction in the face of harassment by the principal of the college, her lawyer considers that this element is essential. He explains in The Parisian that “this expertise demonstrates that he (the principal of the college) was wrongly accused because of a letter which fooled everyone”.
In the event of school bullying, it is possible to contact 3020 “no to school bullying”, a free hotline, available Monday to Friday, except public holidays, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. at 6 p.m. If you are worried about a loved one or have suicidal thoughts, there is 3114, free and available 24/7.
