Hepatitis A: positive, duration, contagious, what is it?

Hepatitis A positive duration contagious what is it

Does your serology reveal that you are positive for hepatitis A? This viral liver disease is transmitted mainly by ingesting food or water infected with feces. Symptoms, treatments, healing time, contagion: what you need to know about hepatitis A.

Your blood test reveals hepatitis A? Do not panic. I’hepatitis A East most common viral liver diseaseand the less severe form hepatitis. It is notably the only one never to become chronic.

Definition: what is hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is a viral liver disease. It is caused by a virus the picornavirus family which causes inflammatory lesions in the liver. Contaminated water and food are the main vectors of transmission of the hepatitis A virus to humans, through digestive track. A lack of hygiene is very often the origin of the virus. Hepatitis A is an immune diseasewhich means thatyou can only get it once in your life.

Is hepatitis A contagious?

The hepatitis A virus is very contagious. Especially since its contagiousness begins during its incubation period, namely 2 to 4 weeks before the first symptoms appear when there are.

How long does hepatitis A last?

After the incubation period which can last between 15 and 40 days, hepatitis A lasts an average of 10 to 20 days. However, as the gastroenterologist explains, “it has been observed in adults some prolonged forms with marked and lasting fatigue“. In exceptional cases, hepatitis A can be very serious and cause liver failure. This is calledfulminant hepatitis.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis A?

Hepatitis is asymptomatic in 60 to 80% of cases in children. She is more often symptomatic in adults. If there are any symptoms, they are:

  • jaundice or jaundice (yellow eyes, dark urine) (especially in adulthood),
  • fatigue,
  • fever
  • possibly digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting).

Serological diagnosis of hepatitis A

Hepatitis A being the mostly asymptomatic in its acute phase, she is rarely diagnosed during it. Certain symptoms or liver function abnormalities identified during routine blood tests can lead to screening for hepatitis A, through a serological test. A blood test can be prescribed by the doctor to his patient in the presence of clinical manifestations evoking the virus, in order to highlight the infection. “The tests then show acute hepatitis with sometimes major elevation of the transaminase levels” specifies Dr. Lagneau. Serology (study carried out from a blood test) makes it possible to identify antibodies directed against the hepatitis A virus and thus to diagnose acute hepatitis A. Hepatitis A is part of notifiable diseases in France.

Hepatitis A positive serology

Anti-HAV IgM antibodies are detected in the serum at the first symptoms which persist for 1 to 3 months. They are proof of acute infection and recent contamination. A positive result therefore confirms a recent HAV infection.

Anti-HAV IgG antibodies : these antibodies appear just after the IgM, and persist throughout life. “Virus A infection, when cured, confers permanent immunity“explains the specialist.

If anti-HAV IgM is negative, and that the total anti-HAV antibodies are positive, this indicates a old infection or an effective vaccination.

What is the incubation period for hepatitis A?

The incubation period of the hepatitis A virus, between contamination and the hepatitis itself, lasts on average 30 days. “Contagiousness begins during the incubation period, about 2 weeks before hepatitis, and lasts until about 10 days after symptoms“explains Dr. Marion Lagneau, gastroenterologist.

The hepatitis A virus is very resistant in the external environment, and is excreted in the stools of infected people. Transmission takes place primarily through ingestion of food or water infected with feces. We are talking about fecal-oral transmission. “But it can also be directly human-to-human, in the event of defective hand hygiene.“, specifies Dr. Lagneau. This virus is more present in countries where the sanitary conditions are not optimal: poor water sanitation conditions, non-compliance with basic hygiene rules. high endemicity in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. “Contamination is also possible through the consumption of seafood and shellfish and vegetables eaten raw and contaminated.“adds the specialist.

What are the treatments for hepatitis A?

There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A. Healing occurs spontaneously within a few weeks. Only preventive measures, such as vaccination, can avoid contracting the hepatitis A virus.

Natural treatments?

Dr. Lagneau is formal: none exist!

Hepatitis A vaccine

“The vaccine against hepatitis A allows to effectively protect against HAV infection for 10 to 20 years” explains Dr. Lagneau. It is composed of inactivated virus. There are three kinds, which require a first injection followed by a booster between 6 months and a year after the first injection. Vaccination against hepatitis A is particularly recommended for travelers to a country with high endemicity. The first injection must be made at least 15 days before departure. Vaccination is also recommended:

  • People who are chronically infected with the hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus,
  • People with excessive alcohol consumption,
  • Among young people living in establishments for children and young people with disabilities, and working in the community
  • In people with cystic fibrosis,
  • For children, from the age of one, born into a family in which at least one member comes from a country where hepatitis A is particularly present and who are likely to stay there
  • among male homosexuals.

Hepatitis A vaccines cost 50 euros for adults and 45 euros for children. They are not reimbursed by Social Security when they are in the context of a travel medicine consultation.

Thanks to Dr. Marion Lagneau, gastroenterologist.
