Henry Cavill’s first Superman chance ended in disaster

Henry Cavills first Superman chance ended in disaster

After the brief return in the Black Adam credits, DC fans have to say goodbye to Henry Cavill as Superman. The Man of Steel star no longer plays a role in the plans of the new film bosses James Gunn and Peter Safran. Many fans are rightly upset and sadbecause Cavill is now firmly rooted in Superman.

At first it didn’t look like the actor would play the character at all, because two attempts at Superman by Cavill failed at the time.

Watch Yves’ video about the current DC chaos here:

DC’s troubles: Henry Cavill is no longer Superman and other troubles!

Henry Cavill was involved in two failed Superman projects

A Screen Rant article breaks down various roles that Cavill eluded in his career are. This includes two different failed Superman projects.

The first project is a film by JJ Abrams that should be called Superman: Flyby. For his version of the DC hero, the Lost creator and later Star Wars director wanted deviate from some hallmarks of Superman mythology.

When a first draft of the script for Superman: Flyby landed on the internet early on, there was a big fan countermovement. That Superman idea from 2002 was eventually scrapped, save for early test shoots with Cavill to star in JJ Abrams’ project.

Screen Rant also explains that the Man of Steel star was in talks for an early version of Superman Returns, which was initially set to be directed by McG.

Cavill was one of many actors who came to audition for the role at the time. McG then dropped out of the project and Bryan Singer took over, taking Brandon Routh for one more suitable Superman actor held and occupied it.

Also, listen to our in-depth podcast on Justice League’s Snyder Cut here:

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