Henry Cavill tortured himself through an extreme diet that you shouldn’t try for a nude scene

Henry Cavill tortured himself through an extreme diet that you

Henry Cavill is a huge fan of The Witcher and passionately connected to the story of the witcher Geralt. The fantasy star knows Andrzej Sapkowski’s books like the back of his hand, and when planning for Season 2, he advocated closer proximity to the original. But his Witcher love also takes on unpleasant traits. for one famous nude scene in season 1 of the series he struggled through a water diet.

Henry Cavill on his Witcher Diet: ‘I was the most miserable person alive’

Season 1 of the fantasy series recreated a famous (and meme-worthy) moment from The Witcher III video game where Geralt is resting in a bathtub. Henry Cavill dehydrated himself for several days in order for the shirtless shots to really impress.


Henry Cavill in The Witcher

This is a well known one Trick especially among bodybuildersto lose weight in a short time and to define the muscles more. Accordingly, Cavill has greatly reduced his water consumption over three days. On the first day it was one and a half liters of water, on the second half a liter, on the third no water at all. In 2019 he explained how this feels compared to conventional diets on the Graham Norton Show:

That’s the worst part. It’s difficult to give up food and you’re hungry, but after three days of dehydration you get to the point where you can smell water nearby.

On the fourth day of shooting, Cavill was dehydrated the most pathetic person in the world. Cavill isn’t the only Hollywood star who relies on dehydration to flex muscle. For his appearance in Wolverine: Warrior’s Journey, Hugh Jackman abstained from water 30 hours before filming.

Cavill’s diet isn’t something you should just follow

Incidentally, dehydration as a diet is not without criticism, after all, humans can only survive three days without water. The wrong approach can have serious health consequences.

As Men’s Health points out in an article on the subject, the procedure could lead to muscle shrinkage in the long term, and other health issues from dehydration are also conceivable. So the following applies: Don’t follow Cavill’s and Jackman’s extreme diets without expert advice.

Podcast for Fantasy Fans: The Lord of the Rings Series Must Save Middle-earth

On September 2nd, the most expensive series of all time will start on Amazon Prime Video: The Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power. In it we return to Middle-earth for the first time since Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films.

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