Henrik Lundqvist’s nice words to his brother Joel – celebrated after breaking the most powerful record in the SHL

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Joel Lundqvist broke the most powerful record.
Then he was praised by his brother Henrik.
“Well done, brother”‚ writes the icon on Twitter.

Frölunda took a deserved and important victory in the tough away match against Luleå on Tuesday evening. Frölunda has really found form, lined up three points in the last period, and to keep a clean sheet against Bortais in Luleå are impressed, and the victory takes Frölunda up to third place in the table.

Mighty record

But that was not the only thing that was celebrated for the Gothenburg team. As Joel Lundqvist, just as usual, was in the starting line-up for Frölunda, he made SHL history. The player with the most games played in the SHL before yesterday’s match was Jan Sandström, with 1,047 games played. Today, the record holder is called Joel Lundqvist.

221129 Frölunda’s Joel Lundqvist during the ice hockey match in the SHL between Luleå and Frölunda on November 29, 2022 in Luleå. Photo: Ola Westerberg / BILDBYRÅN

He made his somewhat improbable 1,048th match in Sweden’s top league, and is thus alone at the top. The matches apply in the SHL’s regular season and playoffs.

– It’s fun to get into so many matches. But I don’t lie down and think about the number of matches. It’s profits you want, says Joel Lundqvist in C More.

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Henke’s tribute

Joel Lundqvist played his first game in the league in Luleå 22 years ago. A lot has happened since then. He has been over to North America for a short stay, but above all has been faithful to Frölunda. And after the mighty record, he was praised on Twitter by his brother Henrik Lundqvist.

“Most matches in the Swedish top league, good job, brother,” writes Henrik.

211221 Henrik Lundqvist during a press meeting with GoCo Activ on December 21, 2021 in Gothenburg. Photo: Daniel Stiller / BILDBYRÅN / code DS / DS0234

Joel Lundqvist was humble about his record, but highlighted in C More something he thinks is special about it all.

– I had Pär Edlund, our physical trainer today, and Peter Ström as chain mates. It’s a memory that stays, says Lundqvist about his first SHL match.

Max Friberg scored the only goal of the game in the match, which was mainly won after great play by goalkeeper Lasse Johansson.

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