Henrik Blind is running for spokesperson for the Green Party

After the Green Party’s successful election in Jokkmokk, where the Green Party achieved its best result in the whole country with 11.3 percent of the vote, there have been whispers about municipal councilor Henrik Blind.

He was already nominated early on to be Per Bolund’s successor – but he has hesitated until the very end. He only made the decision at the deadline on Monday.

– I think it is important to have voices from our area. We live in the midst of climate change and we live where this happens the fastest, he says.

“Saw the forests burning”

His decision was also influenced by a trip to Canada he made last week. There they met other indigenous people – but also saw the forest fires that have left great devastation behind in recent weeks.

– I saw the forests that burned – and that is why I think it is so important to be able to give a voice about this. That the so-called green transition affects many, not just the industry. That there is so much more than industry and that there must be room for the people and animals that live in nature, he says.

Several candidates

The fight for the mouthpiece position is fierce internally within the Green Party. Among the candidates are Daniel Helldén, Martin Marmgren, Magnus P Wåhlin, Torbjörn Nilsson and Linus Lakso. Daniel Helldén has previously been found to appear to be the one with the greatest chance. That seen until today he is active in national politics.

He is also the only one of the candidates who openly says that he is running even if the party decides to only have a mouthpiece. The party will make a decision on that issue before choosing a new mouthpiece.

Supports Stenevi

Henrik Blind, like the other candidates in addition to Helldén, says that they will only run if the party continues with two mouthpieces.

If it becomes just a mouthpiece, Henrik Blind says that he will withdraw and support Märta Stenevi, who in that case looks set to face Daniel Helldén in the vote.

The decision will be made at the Green Party’s congress in mid-November.
